DAG: publisher-s3-sync DAG to fetch the publisher data and sync it with s3 location

schedule: @hourly

Task Instance: publisher_sync_task

Task Instance Details

Dependencies Blocking Task From Getting Scheduled
Dependency Reason
Task Instance State Task is in the 'failed' state which is not a valid state for execution. The task must be cleared in order to be run.
Dagrun Running Task instance's dagrun was not in the 'running' state but in the state 'failed'.
Execution Date The execution date is 2024-02-02T07:29:27.597935+00:00 but this is before the task's start date 2024-07-03T00:00:00+00:00.
Attribute: python_callable
    def run_publisher_sync(config):
        # Retrieve API URL and S3 path from Airflow variables or use default values
        api_url = config["api_url"]
        s3_bucket = config["s3_bucket"]
        env = config["env"]
        # The structure will be <Bucket>/<uat>/publishers/publisher_data.parquet
        s3_key = env + '/' + config["s3_key"]
        PublisherDataS3Sink().execute(api_url, s3_bucket, s3_key)
Task Instance Attributes
Attribute Value
dag_id publisher-s3-sync
duration None
end_date None
execution_date 2024-02-02T07:29:27.597935+00:00
executor_config {}
generate_command <function TaskInstance.generate_command at 0x7f7bf685a7b8>
is_premature False
job_id None
key ('publisher-s3-sync', 'publisher_sync_task', <Pendulum [2024-02-02T07:29:27.597935+00:00]>, 1)
log <Logger airflow.task (INFO)>
log_filepath /opt/airflow/logs/publisher-s3-sync/publisher_sync_task/2024-02-02T07:29:27.597935+00:00.log
log_url https://airflow.devel.viooh.net.cn/admin/airflow/log?execution_date=2024-02-02T07%3A29%3A27.597935%2B00%3A00&task_id=publisher_sync_task&dag_id=publisher-s3-sync
logger <Logger airflow.task (INFO)>
mark_success_url https://airflow.devel.viooh.net.cn/success?task_id=publisher_sync_task&dag_id=publisher-s3-sync&execution_date=2024-02-02T07%3A29%3A27.597935%2B00%3A00&upstream=false&downstream=false
max_tries 3
metadata MetaData(bind=None)
next_try_number 1
operator PythonOperator
pid None
pool default_pool
pool_slots 1
prev_attempted_tries 0
previous_execution_date_success None
previous_start_date_success None
previous_ti <TaskInstance: publisher-s3-sync.publisher_sync_task 2024-02-02 07:00:00+00:00 [failed]>
previous_ti_success None
priority_weight 1
queue default
queued_dttm None
raw False
run_as_user None
start_date None
state failed
task <Task(PythonOperator): publisher_sync_task>
task_id publisher_sync_task
test_mode False
try_number 1
unixname airflow
Task Attributes
Attribute Value
dag <DAG: publisher-s3-sync>
dag_id publisher-s3-sync
depends_on_past False
deps {<TIDep(Trigger Rule)>, <TIDep(Not Previously Skipped)>, <TIDep(Previous Dagrun State)>, <TIDep(Not In Retry Period)>}
do_xcom_push True
downstream_list []
downstream_task_ids set()
email None
email_on_failure True
email_on_retry True
end_date None
execution_timeout None
executor_config {}
extra_links []
global_operator_extra_link_dict {}
inlets []
lineage_data None
log <Logger airflow.task.operators (INFO)>
logger <Logger airflow.task.operators (INFO)>
max_retry_delay None
on_failure_callback None
on_retry_callback None
on_success_callback None
op_args [{'env': 'dev', 'api_url': 'https://publisher-service.private.devel.viooh.net.cn/api/v1/publishers', 's3_bucket': 'vd-data-common-lab', 's3_key': 'publishers/cn-dev.parquet'}]
op_kwargs {}
operator_extra_link_dict {}
operator_extra_links ()
outlets []
owner data.engineers@viooh.com
params {}
pool default_pool
pool_slots 1
priority_weight 1
priority_weight_total 1
provide_context False
queue default
resources None
retries 3
retry_delay 0:05:00
retry_exponential_backoff False
run_as_user None
schedule_interval 0 * * * *
shallow_copy_attrs ('python_callable', 'op_kwargs')
sla None
start_date 2024-07-03T00:00:00+00:00
subdag None
task_concurrency None
task_id publisher_sync_task
task_type PythonOperator
template_ext []
template_fields ('templates_dict', 'op_args', 'op_kwargs')
templates_dict None
trigger_rule all_success
ui_color #ffefeb
ui_fgcolor #000
upstream_list []
upstream_task_ids set()
wait_for_downstream False
weight_rule downstream